Improvisation for Everyone, Part 1
Monday, July 01, 2024
09:00 AM – 09:45 AM
Robert McCormick’s workshops will focus on improvisation most especially in the the context of service playing. He will discuss and demonstrate topics including general service playing, hymnody, interludes, and improvised voluntaries. Participants will broaden their skills, and may have the opportunity to play in the context of a masterclass.
Many organists live in fear of improvising. Robert McCormick has extensive experience helping others to be less afraid of this mysterious art, and will share practical methods to become more confident, developing techniques to practice improvising, so that participants can both build skill and, in time, learn to trust their imaginations.
Each person has a distinctive musical language, and each musician can learn ways to tap into that language. This workshop is designed both for experienced improvisers and those who are very hesitant or reluctant.