
Choral Musicianship: Reading for Singers; Analysis for Conductors


Monday, July 01, 2024
09:00 AM – 10:45 AM



This interest session will be led from the triple perspective of the clinician’s experience as composer, choral conductor, and long-time teacher of Musicianship and Form and Analysis. The session is designed to help choral conductors, teachers, and choral singers in both church and schools at all levels, from teachers at elementary school through college and university, and from undergraduate students through working professionals, learn music with greater thoroughness and speed, and to conduct and sing with greater expression and meaning. Special attention will be paid to developing a method of score analysis to aid conductors and singers in arriving at a deeper understanding of the formal architecture and content and their relation to text of the choral music they are performing, through practical application of tools of analysis and sight-singing, and applying those tools in the choral rehearsal. The session will also give guidance to choral musicians interested in designing a life-long program of study in the areas of musicianship and analysis.