
Maria Gajraj


Maria Gajraj is a Montreal-based organist. She is pursuing her Doctorate at McGill University, in the studio of Dr. Isabelle Demers. Her research focuses on Caribbean organ repertoire and performance practice in the 20th century. She is the co-founder of Sapphonix Collective, a Montreal-based arts collective, which puts on multi-disciplinary arts concerts throughout the year, featuring the organ in new contexts. Maria received her Master’s Degree in Organ Performance in 2020, after studying with Hans-Ola Ericsson. She is the 2022 Recipient of the Godfrey Hewitt Scholarship, and the 2021 Recipient of the Arthur and Helen Henderson Fellowship. Maria was also a semi-finalist in the 2021 RCCO National Organ Playing Competition. Her doctoral research is currently funded by the FRQSC (Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture). Maria has played concerts within Canada, Norway, and the United States. Maria is passionate about studying and programming works by historically underrepresented composers, such as composers of colour and women composers. She strives to break stereotypes, and to make the organ more accessible to everyone.