
Madeline Miskie


Madeline’s main focus as a voice teacher, yoga teacher and performer is the holistic integration of the entire body as the instrument. Her journey of practice, teaching and performance has brought her a rich understanding of the many facets of interconnectedness between the mind, body and breath and their impact on the human voice. Uniquely, Madeline’s process of teaching and learning revolves around discovering obstacles to free sound, unlocking physical awareness, releasing tension and eventually re-patterning breath and movement towards optimal efficiency and ease.

She received her 200 Hour Yoga Certification in 2017 through Abby Dobbs Yoga (RYS) and most recently completed her 300 Hour Yoga Certification through Caroline Wybar Yoga (RYS). Currently, she is a registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance and in year one of a 3-year 1000 hour yoga certification with an emphasis on fascial health & myofascial release. (*completion in 2026) with Caroline Wybar Yoga. Additionally, Madeline continues her studies of classical Ashtanga yoga in DC with her long-time teacher and mentor, Level II authorized teacher Michael Hall. She teaches regular yoga & self-myofascial release classes and workshops at The Yoga Center of Columbia (Columbia, MD) and at Howard Community College (Columbia, MD). Additionally she offers private yoga instruction.

The following organizations have hosted Madeline as a lecturer, workshop leader & clinician: The National Association of Teachers of Singing (MD/DC and Arizona Chapters and the Mid-Atlantic Region), the American Choral Directors Association (MD/DC Chapter), Peabody Preparatory (Baltimore) and the University of Maryland. She has led choral workshops & seminars at Lynn Valley Community Church (Vancouver), St. James United Methodist (Atlanta), St. John’s Norwood (Chevy Chase), Christ Lutheran (DC) and others.

Madeline is an eight year member and former Vice President of the Maryland / DC Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS). She is a proud alumna of the Eastman School of Music (B.M.) and the University of Maryland (M.M., D.M.A.) and the owner & founder of Windsong Voice & Yoga, based in Columbia, MD.

Website: windsongvoiceandyoga.com IG: @drmsingingandyoga