
Anne Marsden Thomas


Anne Marsden Thomas has enjoyed a long career as concert organist, organ teacher, church organist and writer/editor. She is based in London, UK, and has directed the music at St Giles Cripplegate Church, City of London since 1982. In 1992 she established the St Giles International Organ School, which taught hundreds of students before it transferred to the Royal College of Organists (RCO) Academy. She founded, and directed until 2016, the week-long RCO Summer Course for Organists, which annually provides individual and group tuition for up to 80 students from across the world. She teaches at The Royal Academy of Music, and privately. She has recorded several CDs and toured internationally as a recitalist, teacher and presenter. She has authored/co-authored/compiled and edited 24 books for organists. In 2019 she co-founded the Society of Women Organists, and she has continued as co-chair of the Society. Her awards include an MBE, the RCO Medal and the Fellowship of the Royal School of Church Music.